Thursday, May 15, 2008


Okay, it's been a little over a month since I started actively blogging as The Diva and with this little work project coming to a close, I feel like it's time to take a pause from the food and reflect on what I've learned. What started as a somewhat mandatory project for work has morphed into something I look forward to doing. Let's just say I've graduated into the wonderful world of social media...
...and feel much like my hilarious friends Jim & Vieve felt after getting their diplomas in '05 (photo).

Enough hamming, onto reflection! First and foremost, blogging is fun. I read things and want to post them for other people to read and pass along. It makes my day when someone comments on my blog (go. now. comment.) and I like reading other people's blogs (hell, my fabulous new recipe for Oreos came from someone else's blog!). I figured out that Twitter is useful, fun and informative (for those of you who don't know, Twitter is like a public instant message that people can see and respond to). For a long time, I figured that I was an some whacked out foodie that got blank stares from all my friends when I complained about my pie crust not being flakey. With blogging and Twitter, I've found my own kind!!! Food writers, enthusiasts, culinary geniuses and people just like me. Hooray!

Bottom line? Don't go anywhere. Stay tuned, there's more of The Diva to come.

Fabulous Feasting,
The Diva.


  1. don't stop now....I have been blogging about all things Hockey, BEEER and Horse racing related for 3 short years and we are closing in on double digit readership....our lucky 10th reader is going to win a free mug of Stoudt at Basil T's....

  2. don't stop now.....I have been blogging for 3 short years on all things Hockey, BEEER and Horse racing related and my readership is nearing double digits......I am going to award reader # ten a free mug of Stoudt at basil T's in our current rate of adding new memebers, that should be around Thanksgiving.

  3. Keep it up! You've actually inspired me to write my own blog (I'm still setting it up so I'll keep you posted). I'll let you guess what the subject will be. Nice picture of Jim and Jenevieve.

  4. I also look forward to your future posts and can say with confidence that your discussions of pie crust flakeitude have never phased me in the least. I support them, because I also believe in the cause.

    Homemade oreos for life!


Hi and thanks for reading! Your feedback and insight -- and suggestions on what YOU want to see on this blog -- are always welcome and encouraged! Please note that your comment is subject to moderation before posting in an effort to cut down on spam comments.

Fabulous Feasting,
The Diva.